Sunday, September 29, 2013


I remember one evening, over 10 years ago now, where my family was all tucked safely in their beds, and I was on the computer playing games, and I was watching the news.  I remember thinking that there wasn't much news to report because all the pieces were social... like school starting and announcement type things.  It was a very specific thought in my head - that there was" no real news."

The next morning, a fellow church goer called and woke me up and told me to turn on the television, that a plane had just flown into one of the Twin Towers in New York.

Those of us old enough to absorb the news of that day, remember those events to a "T".  We all know how our lives changed  after that day.  We all know how the world changed after that day...





Are we on the brink of another catastrophic time in our country's history?

Could something beyond our imaginations being looming just beyond the horizon of a another new day?

Our houses of government can't seem to come to an agreement about health care, and are not passing a budget to keep our country from a financial shutdown because of it.  Federal agencies seem to be gearing up for disaster according to reports of military and medical supplies being on the ready.  Rumors of camps being set up in places all over the country.  Other military on our soil.  For what?

Could the powers of an office be abused?

Could everything our country has stood for, for over two hundred years, be coming to an end?

Are we the people who are going to be caught up in a part of history that we have only read about before in other societies, ancient and in the modern era?

God help us.  Please Lord, protect us.

October 1st is only two days away...,

and I think I need to buy a few more cans of Spam.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Messiness and Simplicity...

I have really learned a lot:  living in the van and having so little space, being at my mom's, where I really saw how meticulous she was about neatness (I am pretty sure she was OCD), and then living at Casa de Monica's.

Things that create messiness, as I see it:


Your children you can't get rid of... but when they have grown and move out, it is time to pare down to what you only need for yourself and a minor number of persons who may come to visit.  No longer do I need blankets and pillows for the 10 teenagers I found at my house during fair one year when my sons weren't even home!  A few extra blankets, a "bring your own pillow" policy, and it's good!  More visitors than that?  Let them get a motel room!

Pets should be kept to a minimum.  More than two cats is too many other little lives entwined in mine.  As it is, they have altered my life tremendously because if I knew I didn't have to put them in quarantine for several months, I probably would have already moved to Hawaii by now!  I love them, and couldn't possibly give them up, but the trick is not to accumulate more of them.  People who are overrun with several large dogs... expect chaos and messiness.  Turn off the heart strings.

Plants.  I know too many older people who really can't take care of indoor plants but insist you water them all when you stop by for a visit.  They are usually scraggly looking and do not at all adorn the scenic beauty of the living room, dining room, TV room or bedroom.  Get rid of them.  All of them. Stick them in the backyard and let them die a natural death.

What I don't have in plants, I make up in hobbies.  I have inherited fairly creative genes, and I love all sorts of arts and crafts, seeing great potential in every scrap of material, paper, can, paper toilet roll, and do-dad imaginable!  I have given up a lot of my needle crafts, but still hold onto the tools.  I have a whole box of leather tools and scraps and paints including a marble work mat (in storage) and someday....  Mostly I want to concentrate on scrapbooking now.  I just want to make pretty pages for albums that chronicle my life.  I am not into making flowery jazz to sit on a counter, or pretty cards that other people will throw away.  I also have a sewing machine.  It could come in handy, but it also comes with a whole bucket of items to go with it: pins, threads, etc.  Then there are materials and patterns.  I could fill an entire warehouse with craft stuff.

I truly think I could pare down to one set of clothing and my toothbrush, but still need an entire garage for my craft things.  Creativity is a burden, for sure!

As far as everyday things... I am messy because I have too many items.  My life does not need so many things in it.  I actually need very few things as I have found out these last few months. I need to weed through what I have and get rid of what I really don't use, or don't find precious to me.

A person does not have to take this minimalism approach to the extreme, so logical application should ensue. Easier said than done, but it is the road I need to travel and I know I am on the way.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Art Camp...

Yes!  There's Art Camp at Casa de Monica's!!  I am so excited!  Hopefully I will be able to finish a few projects I have had lingering for some time while I house-sit  :)

Thursday, I had the house to myself, and thought I would take it easy.  I will gather my things and get them ready for working on tomorrow :)  I have a wedding gift to create, two holiday gifts to complete, and my muu-muu to take apart, create a pattern from and make a new one.

* * *

Well, it has been very windy all day today, Friday, and I have been watching Goose Lake blow over and on top of L-town for the better part of the day. Not good for my friends with asthma! I am using the speech recognition typing to see how it works with writing in my blog.  It is really working well, and all I have to do is insert in onto my page.  Pretty cool.  Have had this computer for over three years and this is the first time I've ever used it.  It is part of Windows 7. You can also edit your words in the box before you put it on your page.  Wow! Fun!

Yes, I was supposed to do my art projects, but I have spent the better part of the day on the computer and playing that little cropsies in the Farm Saga game on Facebook.  In one way I figure this is the last private time I may have for quite awhile, and I just enjoy "chil-axin'" and not doing much.  What can I say?

There is some cloud cover rolling in, and I think we will be up for some rain tomorrow.

* * *

Sure enough it started to rain last night.  This morning when I woke up, the clouds were hovering low on the mountains, and overlaying L-town.  It was 49* and drizzling.  I let the dog run while I fed the fish, I fed the dog and cat, and watered the plants.  Then I went back to bed... perfect day for a cup of tea and good book to read!  But I didn't, I just rolled around in bed and snoozed.  When I got up around 2 or so, it had stopped raining but it was still grey.  I made some tea, and cooked a wonderful lunch.  Salmon. It was way delish!

I have been on the computer, and still have not read anything!  So I think I will make another cup of tea, and head back to bed with my book.

Still no art completed yet, but I'll get there.  Am just enjoying the relaxation.  :)

* * *

Sunday as I was getting ready to take off to church, I discovered that I had left my key half turned and my battery was dead!  I called my friends and asked if after church and lunch they could drive out and visit and give the van a jump.  While I had extra time, I let the Van Rats out to explore, and I did some clean up and organizing in the van.  Am going to get all the blankets out to wash and fluff for the winter.  I 'super glued' the hooks back on to hang my shoe holder pockets and threw some more things away.

Friends arrived, we visited, and I got my van back up again.  I let it idle for two hours, and then drove into town to have dinner with them, and watch the Series Finale of Dexter.  Yes, I am a Dexter fan.  Hate to admit it, but I am.  An 8 year series on Showtime, and I not sure just yet how I feel about the ending.

Inbetween dinner and Dexter, I worked at getting my muu-muu apart to make a pattern from it :)

Went to the grocery store before heading home and got some good yummies to eat.

It was raining when I went to bed.

I also want to say that climbing in the van and pulling out of the driveway gave me such a satisfied thrill.  Back on the road, in the coolness, with my cats and all my stuff.  A sort of "wellness" enveloped me, that all was balanced in my life, that I was complete.  The van is so cozy and protective in cool weather.  But in hot?  It's Hell on Wheels and I hate it.  If I have to be in 70*+ weather, I will have to get an air conditioner!

* * *

So Monday morning I woke up to another grey day, but the clouds clinging to the mountains behind the house are so beautiful.  The deck was wet, but it had stopped raining.  I have been watching clouds rolling past the front windows for the past two hours while I enjoyed my coffee.

It is so quiet and peaceful here... I just love it.  Tomorrow I have to think about cleaning the house real good and doing laundry, but for today...

It reminds me of sleeping in before my first child was born... My sister-in-law said, "Enjoy your sleeping in, you won't be doing much of that when the baby gets here!"  And oh, so right she was!  Took 6 more years until I could sleep in on a Saturday morning while they were capable of getting cereal and turning on videos.

So I am going to go back to bed now, and just snooze, because I can, and no one is going to bother me.  Not sure what my life might be like in another month so I am going to take advantage of the quiet now.


So, I got woken up from a deep sleep by a phone call from my son, but that is OK.  The clouds had cleared a bit and it was actually warm with a nice cool breeze.  I took the dog and walked down to the gate, then walked around the property.  I hit 3 of the 4 corners, so I am guessing this is about 10 acres.  The three horses who graze on the property must have been huddled down at that 4th corner because I never saw them.  The house is situated on the top of a hill and it is really private so I decided to lay in the sun for a bit :)

Came in and made some steak and potatoes for lunch, got back on my computer, and now am thinking of curling up back in bed for a while to read... James Patterson.  This is turning out to be a yummy and relaxing day :)

* * *

Well so today is my last full day here at the Casa de Monica Retreat by myself.  I was supposed to start cleaning, which wasn't asked of me, but I certainly feel I ought to do something to help out.  Big grey and white clouds are moving across the valley, the wind was blowing really hard for a spell, and we got some rain.  It is forecasted that thundershowers may arrive in the late afternoon.  Of course, I am just lazing and enjoying the quiet.  Made a kind of stew and it's simmering on the stove in the cast iron skillet.  Waiting for the carrots and potatoes to soften.  And gee, I've gotten so far into my book, I should finish it right?

Art Camp!  HAHA!!  Nope, haven't really done a thing... but it was a nice thought.



I am continually amazed and blessed by the Lord.

I was checking on Craig's List for work in the Central Oregon area, and started looking into mobile home rentals... perhaps a little less expensive then a stick and mortar house.  I found an ad for a nanny, 15 hrs a week in trade for housing in a trailer and utilities.  This was intriguing, so I emailed. For just about a week, I heard nothing back.  I had been praying that if it were the right thing, it would happen.  Well, the best got to me, and I emailed again, thinking my emails could have gotten lost in the shuffle.  The next day I got a reply. I responded and asked questions.  A. responded and asked me to tell them more about myself.  Finally I got a email that said his wife was going to call me later that evening.

I had a nice long conversation with K.  She has some young daughters who she home schools, but they just need someone around to help. Honestly, I believe every woman needs a wife!  I think she is just overwhelmed and could use a grandma type person who might come in and cook some, clean up or babysit.  He has run a contracting business for 15 years.  They sound like good people, age 38 and 36.

I think maybe some of their friends and family have asked God to bring Christians across their path to help lead them closer to Him, because she explained her spirituality and was ok with my being a Christian, and I am feeling like it is exactly where I am supposed to be.

I get to meet them in about a week, when I take the couch up to my son for his house.  Am praying diligently about this.  In many ways it could be a really great thing for me, and hopefully for them. I am willing to do just about anything they need in the way of watching the kids, house cleaning, and cooking.  I hope it will turn out for the best.

I Google mapped their ad address and found his company.  The property looks average in a nice neighborhood.  They have a garden, cows and pigs too.  They also have another couple who live in a trailer on the property and the husband helps around the business.  They are situated just a ways from my youngest.

We shall see... it is a possibility.

* * *

I gave K. a call to wish her Happy Birthday.  It was easy to remember because it is inbetween my mom and dad's birthdays.  We firmed up that they plan to be at home, and I would be around on the weekend or so and would call when I was in the area.  Still praying, but I think things will work out good.


Casa de Monica, The Resort...

While I was in Arizona, I was in contact with another friend in my hometown who asked if I could house sit for a few days while she went to a wedding in another town.  She has a dog, a cat and fish in a pond.

Since I knew I was headed home for a while I said sure.  While helping my other friend move, M. called me and asked if I would come spend time with her.  She is going to have some surgery and said she couldn't get as much done on her own as she would like.  So I went to hang with her for a few days.

What a relaxing, enjoyable time I had, both the days with her, and when she went away to the wedding.  She has 10 acres out away from town, and I just slept, relaxed, read an entire book, and caught up some with my blog.  Yes, I fed the animals and played with the dog, and walked down to the gate several times for exercise  :)

Check in...

The desk clerk... Snickers

The bell boy... Perro

Other guests...

Breakfast served up...

Afternoon entertainment...

A snowy morning...

Differing evening views...


Monday, September 16, 2013

Moving Days Again...

I came back to my hometown, after a month with my dad, to help a best friend with moving.  She was between a rock and hard space for sure.  She had been accepted to Vet Tech school up north, but the court ruled that she could not take her daughters with her.  Feeling that she could not continue to live in the area, she moved her girls in with her ex-husband, and packed herself up to move in with a friend for the next two years for school.

I wish I had taken some before pictures, because no one will ever believe how much stuff we moved and packed and hauled.  Not only this in the dumpster did we trash, but we had 2 truck loads and 3 car loads of donations, and then the items that went with her girls, the furniture and boxes that went into storage at her dad's, and the stuff she took with her.  She went through things and made decisions as to where it went, and I kept changing trash bags, and packing and stacking boxes.

Besides the house, which was filled, there was also a shop, and garden sheds.  We worked for 8 days and actually managed to get it all out of there, and she went on her way.  About Day 5, I went to sleep with that swollen feeling in my feet and hands and I thought, "Oh, I remember this!" (see my April blogs)

So on the day she had hoped to leave, we tied up some loose ends, but then she took her daughters out for a nice dinner, and decided to get a good night's sleep before her long drive the next day.

She made a choice I don't think I could ever make, but she is hoping things will change and be very different soon.  I wish her well in all she does, and she said I was welcome to park in her driveway, wherever she is, at any time!  lol


North on Hwy 395... MORE TO COME

I went off the road for a geocache near these Charcoal Kilns, it is a historical land mark.  They were interesting and it was hot!  I also took some video of 2 sets of Huey-type helicopters flying along the mountains... I kinda assumed it was firefighters heading toward the Rim Fire near Yosemite... one of the worst fires in California history.

The End of My Visit... MORE TO COME

My Mom got some junk mail, that dad is sending back, but look!  It's Yarikh on a national advertisement!!

I texted this pic to my sons, and one of them said that Yarikh was way sexier than this cat, and I commented that yes, Yarikh did have that alluring fang that hangs out, and my other son sent a text where he was laughing! lol

Funny thing about the cats... I never heard my Dad actually call them by their names, but he did refer to them as "Blackie" and "Scooter"...  haha, so funny because those suit them well!!

* * *