Saturday, June 3, 2017

It's JUNE already!! ...

Between mid-March and mid-May, I got myself back to Oregon. I collected a few things from my new storage in Klamath, but was too overwhelmed with all of it to deal with cleaning it out completely.

I got back to the Corvallis/Albany area and was welcomed with open arms and kisses at my Ladie's Bible Study at M.'s house. It felt good to have been missed.

I was actually to town before G. came home from his term in Sweden.

Then I went to my little church in south Corvallis and was again welcomed from the heart by many people. I felt like I had come home.

I signed up with Express Employment Professionals, the temp agency I worked for when I worked at BetaSeed during the '13/'14 and '14/'15 seasons, and in just a few days was interviewing for a bookkeeping position with a company called Sea Bird in Philomath. I was able to work there for 4 weeks... great company, great people, great money, and when they didn't need me in bookkeeping, I trained in Shipping and Receiving which I found I really enjoyed.

After that time, I put in apps here and there, and waited for something to pop up with Express. I finally got a type of "Secret Shopper" temp job evaluating the services of a state agency. It was fun, and I made the largest hourly wage I have ever have made!

I saw G. quite often for casual dinners or just because. I made a new friend, R. from working at Sea Bird, and I made good friends with a couple from church, C & S.

And then, John called from Cannon Beach and wanted to know if I might be interested in returning to Geppetto's. Natalia texted to sweeten the deal with a $1.50 and hour raise, and I was here in two days. It was mid-May.

It felt good to be back. I really do enjoy working here in the toy shoppe. And it was nice to be in a familiar place... my first days off I visited many of my old haunts: Sunset Beach, Astoria, Fort Stephens. No one seems to have permanently claimed "my spot"... the hole I park in off Hwy 101 north of Cannon Beach... although someone has previously trashed it a bit :(  Still, I feel fairly safe and legal there.
