Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"T minus 4" Tuesday...

11:00am - Oh, I don't think I am ever going to make this deadline.  I am overwhelmed and just want to curl up into a ball.

It's snowing and I can't get things into the van to put into storage.

I am a little surprised that people who I thought were friends have never offered me any type of help, knowing it's just me... no husband, and no sons in town to help.  Just having someone come by for encouragement would have been nice.  I have two good friends who have been able to help where needed and I really appreciate them :)  Thank you C. and J.  But otherwise, no one else has made comment.  So really, what is the measure of a friend?  How many true friends do we have?  I fear that many of the people we considered friends,  really may have not been friends at all... they were only acquaintances.

I guess am a little growl-y today.  I am sorry.

7:00pm - Well I finally was able to load some stuff into storage in between snow flurries at about 1pm.  I feel better about the space... lots still available, but now I am afraid I may run out of boxes!  Never ending stress, I guess.

I actually had an emotional meltdown in the middle of the afternoon.  In tears and everything.  Lots of memories and the enormity of the task before me.  But I almost have the back bedroom cleared for cleaning tomorrow!  Still have lots more to do tonight, and if I take a break for longer than 5 minutes, I have a difficult time getting back up!

And, I am doing a load of laundry that I will be putting onto hangars and hanging in the van tonight.  First step toward making it my home.

Also, I got word today that I got my first web page building job!!  So excited.

I guess it is all going to work out after all.  Just need to keep plugging away at it for now.

And I guess I should apologize for my comments earlier about friends offering help.  I was humbled in my thought process later in the day that this whole mess was created by me and my "collections" so why should anyone else be burdened with the moving of it all?  That put it into prospective.  Of course I tell my sons that my stuff is the reason I gave birth to them... to help me move it around!  lol  So if anyone was offended, please forgive me.


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