I am going to hang out in Clarkston, WA and Lewiston, ID for a few
days to catch up with my blog, and get reorganized before I head up
north to visit family in Post Falls.
This area is very
much like Pendleton, OR with the bare Blue Mountain range surrounding
it. The Snake River runs on the state line, so there are plenty of
shady parks to explore. The weather is hot, in the upper 90's, so I
find shade for the cats, and I head to the library. This one in
Clarkston is open until 8pm, and I understand there is a brand new
library in Lewiston just across the river. Walmart for over nighting,
and then exploring in the evenings when it cools down. Maybe I will
catch a movie.
It is amazing to me how I can spend 3 or
4 hours just tripping around Facebook and the Internet, and taking care
of business before I seem to get settled down to writing in my blog!
of people here in the library... many reading newspapers. One gal is
eating her lunch at one of the tables. Had a family sitting just in
front of me at a table making legal phone calls. I didn't sleep well,
so maybe I'll go out to the van for a nap, then return a little later.
* * *
Well, I didn't get back to the library, but I did go back up the highway past the little town of Asotin to explore the cemetery I saw up on the hill. It overlooks the town and river. Some of the dates were way back to the early 1900's. I think I just find how people memorialize their loved ones to be fascinating.
This was something I have never seen before... it was cement filled turkey roasting pans with all sorts of things stuck in them, like toys, crosses, statues, flowers, then set on a younger woman's grave.
I'd like a bench for myself someday in Kanab, looking toward the red cliff behind the cemetery. I thought this was nice. I want a picture too, my 20th high school reunion pic, and a flower vase with a geocache!
Not sure if this is a person with the first or last name of Tucker... or possibly someone's pet...
I also found a geocache not far from this area :)
* * *
I am not sleeping well at night because of the heat. The van just holds the warmth, and I want to stretch out so last night I took a long drive around Lewiston with all the windows down and discovered an Old Town part I want to explore. Finally after 3:30, back st the Walmart in Clarkston, I must have fallen asleep. I stayed in the van, in the sun, until 11am, catching a breeze through the window and snoozed. Then I went back to the beach on the Snake River I discovered yesterday and spent about 4 hours there before coming to the library this afternoon until it closes at 8pm. It was a nice way to become un-sticky from the heat!
Waves from passing motor boats...

* * *
Was almost going to leave in the next morning, but decided to spend one more day. I got up and went to my favorite beach first. The local high school is close to it's entrance and I pulled into the parking lot when I noticed this. Looks like the year's Seniors get to paint their own parking spots in a certain section of the parking lot. Way cool priviledge!
After I took a quick dunk in the river, I took my bike off the back of the van, and did the "Bridge to Bridge" ride. It is the bike path along the river that takes you over two bridges, crossing into a different state and back, that they say is about 5.5 miles. I couldn't believe it was really that far, but I took my time and enjoyed saying "Good morning" to all I passed.
My bike, however, is it terrible shape! I only paid a bit over a hundred for it at Walmart two summers ago, and have not ridden it much. Several people during my yard sales asked about it. During the time at the coast though really did a number on it! It got quite rusted and my gears would not shift. I rode the entire way on 1.4/ I tried to manually change the chain to a higher setting, but it would not stay. I got a can of WD-40 to spray on all the metal parts and see if that will loosen things up. I hope so. I do want to ride it more often.
I swam some more after the ride to loosen up my muscles, then proceeded to check out Hell's Canyon State Park on the Idaho side of the river and check out there Lewis and Clark Discovery Center. The boys and I have seen a fabulous movie on the explorers at the OmniMax theater in Portland on a field trip years ago, but I don't recall too much of the history. I watched a video here, and found out that many thought the two had failed in their mission to find a "Northwest Passage" as Jefferson had hoped for... but it was because there was none! From the source of the mighty Missouri River, there was no passable waterway, and their harrowing trip across the Bitterroot Mountains in Idaho almost did in the group. They had brought three extra ponies for emergency provisions, and ended up eating all three. Actually I think that was excellent foresight. They then came upon the Clearwater River which led to the Snake and on to the Colunbia to the Pacific Ocean their ultimate goal.

I parted ways with Lewiston, ID and Clarkston, WA finding an overlook and a geocache...
and headed north toward Moscow.