Saturday, December 28, 2013

And Now On to New Year's...

Goodness!  Where has the time gone?  The past month has literally slipped right through my fingers!

Working 12 hours a day is going to kill me!  Thank goodness it will only be until April.  All I want to do in my off time is sleep!  I am losing all my muscle just sitting at work and sleeping.  I really have to find some time for walking inbetween... but it is so foggy and cold in the mornings, and dark at night when I am about to head to work.  The weather feels awful and is not conducive to a good attitude and just makes me want to crawl into bed!  Ugh!

* * *

I worked on New Year's Eve.  No where to go, and no one to party with anyway.  B. in Sweden, and G. out on the town with his girl.

I always try to reminisce about the past year on New Year's Eve.  2013 was some kind of year...

I got laid off from my Forest Service job two weeks into the year.  It was cold so I drove down to Arizona for a visit.  Got to thinking it might be a good idea to move down there to be closer to the folks... but after the summer's hot weather abated... maybe around October or so.  Came home and realized I could no longer be owing my landlord any more rent, so started having yard sales and getting rid of stuff.  Spring Break, the boys helped me move my car and a load of furniture down into storage in AZ.  We enjoyed the visit with Grandma and Grandpa.

Finally got completely moved out of our little green house at the end of April, in time to drive the van over for Mom's weekend at OSU.  From there I spent 6 weeks on the coast.  Back to Lakeview to paint a ceiling, left to travel to Joseph, then made my way up to Post Falls to visit my cousins.  Found out my mom was in the hospital but she kept saying that I didn't need to come down.  Then I got the call from my dad that she wasn't responding and I needed to get there.  I drove the 1300 miles in 36 hours.

My mother passed away, I spent a month with my dad, then back to Lakeview to help a friend move, and house-sit.  From there, I found a nanny job in Albany, while looking on Craigslist for a mobile home rental in the Eugene area.  Met the family and moved in in October.  Because I needed an income as well, I went through a temp agency and started working graveyard shifts at BetaSeed in November.  The boys and I celebrated the holidays together at G's.  B and I went on the Mexican cruise the first week of December, and then he left for Sweden mid-December.

Yes, lots of places, lots of new people, lots of adventues....  2013 was some kind of year!


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