Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Holiday Extravaganza Super Condensed Survived! and We Had Fun Too!... MORE TO COME

We learned one thing over our Holiday weekend... You can't eat all of the good food you want to, back-to-back.  We definitely need to have day in between holiday meals!  But otherwise, it went smoothly and we had fun together and got to Skype quite a while with my son in Sweden :)


The Radio City Rockettes were so cute this year!  
I definitely love the candy stripe, and they had a little bow at the top back... so cute!  
One thing though... the outfit were gold, and their shoes were silver.  
The little bows on the front were silver, so I guess it matched...

If you don't have a tablecloth, just let these two at it!
Using the pack of paper napkins, look at how beautiful!
L's family is in North Dakota and Arizona, so she joined us,
and we were so happy to have her with us :)

It was great to have help in the kitchen!

Turkey breast, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole,
garlic cheese biscuits and black olives.
I tried to scale it back a bit, but there was still so much food!
Great leftovers though :)

Son #1 spent quite a bit of time with us over Skype from Sweden.
You know, if you have a short conversation, you do a lot of chit-chat,
but if you talk for a while, a lot deeper subjects present themselves.
We covered a lot of topics.
Miss that... and miss him bunches :)
Felt like we three were all back together though... it was great! 

After a rousing game of Chinese Checkers, which I am pretty sure I was winning,
until it accidentally got nudged and all the marbles went rolling...  
and some Seahawks vs San Francisco football,
it was time for...


Had my son told me a month ago he wanted orange and black decorations 
for our little Christmas tree, it would have
been so easy with all the Halloween decorations in the stores!

Oh, you need an explanation of the colors?

Orange and Black
Oregon State Beavers


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