About 4 to 5 weeks and this job will be over. A few more days and my second job will end.
I am trying not to get all anxious as I know the Lord has a plan for me, if I will just keep my face pointed towards Him. I am hesitating a little in my walk and I really must get myself together where I know I ought to be.... closer to God.
My thoughts are that I hope my temp agency will find me more work in this area, so I can stay close with M. from Bible study and my little church. But I am also feeling that getting a seasonal job in Newport might prove to be a fun and exciting summer as well. My son will be moving to Portland for his internship during summer and fall terms so he will be a couple hours away. I have called my dad and have made the commitment to come down and take care of the car in October and so am thinking of getting work down there and spending the winter in Arizona being a Snowbird.
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Anyway, some physical issues have arisen. I enjoy my space working in the Fishbowl. But when I walk out into the warehouse, to get to the bathroom or the lunch room, or to the time clock, I get a sense of dread. I don't understand it. I just feel "heavy". I think it is a manifestation of how much I dislike this schedule and these hours. I know it is unhealthy for me. I hate wearing the sweatshirt and the socks... I need to be moving more and I just want to wear my flip-flops all the time!
Also, I have been feeling "butterlfies" in my stomach, but I am not sure if they are happy ones, so maybe I have moths in my stomach instead. And there is the fact that since before Christmas, the pinkie and ring finger of my left hand have been vaguely numb. Sometimes not so bad, and others more severely. Once I had a tough time tying my shoes. Now, just lately, the top layer of the skin on my face is feeling numb. I checked my blood pressure at my friend's house and it was 119 over 73. That is pretty good. I also talked with C.J. who is taking pre-diabetes medication and she says that is not necessarily a symptom of diabetes. I am unsure what is going on.
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Regarding the van... The FB group I belong to has a lot of talented people who have done a lot of creative things to their dwellings. I love all the ideas I see in Google images as well. I always wonder how much weight that puts on the vehicle. I am all weighted down with my stuff, let alone adding more infrastructure.
Like isn't this cute?
This looks like my size of van also :)
I am definitely thinking of getting some new Hawaiian type material for curtains and a pillow because it has been 2 years now... time for a change, yes?
So I was considering what I actually need in my living space. A little kitchen space would be a nice idea, but would I really cook in the van? A lot of people do. But I find, with all the cat hair, I don't even like eating in there. Plus, I don't want to microwave foods anymore. At this time, I eat out, or at friend's homes, or cook dinner at my son's place.
Really, I have what I need... a place to sleep and get ready to be presentable and a place for the cat box. I need less stuff, and more accessible space for clothing. I don't think I need a desk but it could come in handy maybe. I just never find myself somewhere where I feel comfortable to look like I am IN the van. I am always hiding.
A laminate or tile floor might be dandy with the cats.... the carpet is really done in. Raising the bed might give me more space below and less wasted space above. Perhaps the cat box could be set farther in underneath the bed then. And having an enclosed space to hang clothes might be really nice... right now I roll my dark sweatshirts inside-out to prevent, hopefully, cat hair collection.
I am just unsure how much I want to put into this van - time, money and effort - since it is older and starting to look pretty shabby on the outside. How much longer am I going to be living this lifestyle? If it breaks down, do I want another one, or just put in a new engine?
I guess for now, I will just spruce it up a bit, and wait to see what my needs are down the line. I can sew new curtains at C&R's when I visit :)
waiting to see what the future holds....
Updated thoughts, 3/03,,, I haven't been able to find any Hawaiian material locally, so looked online and found a couple I really like. But they are only 45" wide and $15 a yard. Too rich for my blood right now. From what I found, this is presently my favorite, with the blue background... http://www.barkclothhawaii.com/big/ukuhi.html# It sure would be pretty, wouldn't it?
I still have the camp stove set-up with the slide-out table in the back, but right now, since before Thanksgiving, I haven't been able open the back doors. I have a plan to try WD-40 on the key for the lock. If this does not work, I will have to take the panel off from the inside and figure out what the problem could be - like if something is broken. Although I still have never done it, parking at a park in the picnic area would make me not stick out like a sore thumb if I opened up the back and brought out the camp-stove. Best for good weather though.
I can't raise the bed. When I sit on the bed, my head is only a couple inches from the ceiling. If I had a high-top, that would be fine, but as it is, it is not enough room to raise the bed and sit as well.
Still considering the laminate floor. Some people have said I would lose insulation. It is also a project I have never attempted before, but it sure would be nice to be able to sweep up the cat sand and cat hair easily. Honestly, I haven't actually vacuumed the rug since I left Idaho.... Eewwwww! I do sweep it like the olden days, and brush it to gather hair, but it hasn't been vacuumed. We shall about the floor.