The wheels are turning and I am being swept away.
The life of a vagabond is definitely interesting. There are butterflies in my tummy as I am working the last shift of the season here with the beet company.
They will be installing a new computer system for the new equipment going into the new building soon. I think it will all be so automated that there will be no "Tower" position next year. But that is well and fine because I really, really do not feel this schedule is very healthy for me. I said I wasn't coming back last year, and here I be. But for sure, I plan to be in warmer parts next winter.
I have another day or two at my son's place before all the kids come home from Spring Break. I was hoping to get some of the van cleaned out, but will have to see if I need to wait until L-town. Then my last shift with the shelter on Saturday night, and on to my dentist appointment on the 1st.
After that, I don't know which direction I will be heading.
* * * * *
So on a completely different note... and speaking of the shelter, I am copying what I shared on FB last week...
File under: I guess it takes all kinds. So today, I was totally blindsided by a relationship and am completely questioning my "spiritual radar." Reminds me that you really don't know who people might be deep down inside. This gal, who spent about 3 or 4 weeks at the shelter, was really nice. She was from Tennessee, about 30ish, and from the info I could get from her was on a spiritual quest across the country. She said she didn't hitch-hike but if someone offered her a ride, she took it. I know she also spent the max time of 3 hours a day on the computers at the college library as she said she was working. She was friendly, and quiet in the mornings, but we talked about some things and I shared my pictures I was taking for my food photog course. I am friendly with all of the ladies, and some you can tell have some issues, or other volunteers or workers have written about them in our book, so you are on the lookout and watch for signs of their strange behavior. This gal asked me if I was working again before she planned to leave, and I said I wouldn't be. Of course I was excited about her travels and gave her my email address to keep in touch so she could let me know how she was doing. (I actually have kept in contact with a couple of people I have met along the way.) She must have left sometime during the week, so last night I looked at the tote on the bed that had previously been hers and there were a number of items in it. I asked the others if they thought she was coming back. One lady said she had given her an expensive purse and would like to have it back if she didn't come back to retrieve those things. So I wrote a note to that effect and put it in the tote. When I opened her tote I found a book, Peace Pilgrim, which if you Google is about a woman who walked across the United States several times for peace, taking a vow to "remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food." Sandwiched in the book was a number of handwritten pages paper clipped with a note on top which condemned Corvallis for it's wickedness and told how hot lava was going to consume the town just like Sodom and Gomorrah. The pages contained Bible verses, and what I would call prophetic rantings about sin and death, and personal reflections like how happy she was to leave this wicked town. Each page had the number 999 written on it, and under some of those was written "laws in the old testament". She had signed it in a few places, so I knew it was her writings. Then I found the note card I had given her with my email address. As some of you may know, my email is my name and the boys' birth years... sues9294. Below what I had written was written in her hand, "Sues666". I was totally taken aback. Not only did she ditch my communication link - which in retrospect was probably a fine thing, but she was also equating me with the enemy! On the back of the card, she had taken the numbers 9294, drawn arrows down from the 9's and written 6's, and then wrote 2 + 4 = 6. Then "666 Y'alls favorite mark." Wow! Talk about not seeing that coming! I mean she seemed "so normal" but lurking beneath was a perceived justified anger against all of humanity I guess. I had been friendly with her, so I can't see how she possibly could see me as coming from "that" camp. It really hurt at first, but then I reminded myself of the source, and am not taking it personal anymore. She is one sad puppy and I will keep her in prayer. If she sees herself as some kind of prophet, then why is she not talking about this wherever she goes? I mean, does she have a true message? I would think that if this is what she feels her purpose is, she would talk about it with anyone and everyone to share the message. Which kinda shows me that it is not of God. Anyway, it just really blew me away, and I realize, again, it takes all kinds! And just how careful we need to be smile emoticon Peace out.
The comments I got on this:
"Yep. Nothing personal. Mental illness. Thankfully these people do not know where you live or have personal information about you or the boys."
"wow !"
"I believe if peope are looking for evil they will find it anywhere and everywhere. Pray for the best for her and those she meets along the way"
"Stunned-that is no where hear the person who you are; how one arth did she come to that conclusion is baffling! Keep fighting the good fight of fairth!"
"You sure can pick EM"
"Remember she is God's beloved!! Only he knows her pain!! praying!!"
And my son, through a personal message, told me, "It doesn't surprise me you would come across a person like that."
:) Peace out <3
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