Sunday, August 21, 2016

I Have Failed...

as a Mother.

As proof... my son has just gotten another tattoo...

Smack dab in the middle of his chest.  I guess it is an electrical symbol which means "grounded".

I realize it could be worse... it's not Darth Vader, or a naked sailor girl, or Tweety Bird... but still.  I am not happy.  His little body was so beautiful and so perfect when he popped out into the world.  It is difficult to see.

And "grounded".... I have no idea what he is thinking about that.  He still has so much growing up to do.  But then, at 21, we think we know everything.

No, I am feeling pretty much a failure as a mother and am thinking of giving up the gig entirely.  Changing my name and moving somewhere else.

While raising these boys, I did not smoke, I did not drink, I did not gamble, I did not do drugs, I did not sleep around or even date, at all.  I was the perfect example of a happy, content person.  And I was perfectly content not doing any of those things.  I did not need them in my life to feign happiness.  I believe happiness comes from within and is a choice.  I continued to go to church and shared my belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for our sins

I only made one major mistake in my life... I married an emotionally abusive man and after almost 22 years, divorced him. The boys were 11 and 13 when I told them of my decision.

Because of that, I guess, my sons have done everything I never did, and much more, and neither is walking with the Lord.

I want to barf when I see that meme that talks about being an example to your children...  What good did it do ME?

* * *

Please see "I Am Alive", October 201, for a follow up

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