Meanwhile, it was C.'s birthday on Friday when I arrived, and so four of us went to Alturas and then had dinner at Antonio's. I gave her a ticket for 91 cents when she was about to quit, and I told her, "Don't say I never gave you anything for your birthday!" She won a bonus and made $86 !! I take all the credit for her win. Aren't I a nice friend?
Sunday was Father's Day. I went to church, and a wonderful friend there said I looked so relaxed. I said, " I should be... when I had left town I was so stressed out over getting moved out. After 6 weeks of life along the coast, I am totally refreshed."
There was also good news at church that our music team couple had had their baby boy... A.J. is a keeper!! He was just 10 days old here...
Monday I was back to painting. And Tuesday I finished the bedroom, so now I only have ceilings to complete. Fun, fun, fun.
Am currently watching a show on TV and never realized this... Did you know there is actually a statue on the top of the capital building in Washington D.C?
The Statue of Freedom—also known as Armed Freedom or simply Freedom—is a bronze state, 19 1/2 feet tall and weighing approximately 15,000 pounds, designed by Thomas Crawford ( Italian, 1814-1857) that, since 1863, has crowned the dome of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. Originally named Freedom Triumphant in War and Peace, official U.S. government publications now state that the statue "is officially known as the Statue of Freedom". The statue depicts a female figure wearing a military helmet and
holding a sheathed sword in her right hand and a laurel wreath and
shield in her left.
She is beautiful, isn't she?
This is probably my last blog entry for a while. I promise to begin again when my house with wheels goes someplace. So check back in about two weeks or so.
Thank you so much for following along. I hope I have made you smile somewhere along the way. It would make me happy if you signed up to follow... would just like to know who is really reading, but if you don't care to, I totally understand.
GBY! :)
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