Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Out on My Own...

Well today is the day I am actually breaking out on my own in any direction I'd like to go.  So far, it's felt like a weekend vacation, so this is my first big step.

I said my goodbyes to the LKV boys...

I am headed to the coast - that is all I am really sure of.  Still resting up, and still getting organized.  Slept well last night and got a shower at the dorm.  Then lunch with my son, a visit to the school store, and I am on my way!

Beaver door knob on the building where the Student Store is.  GO BEAVS !!

FFA was having something going on in the middle of campus when I walked through to my van...

And I had to take some pics of the beautiful flowers!  There are an amazing number of varieties of plants on the OSU campus...

This is where I parked off campus under a tree...

Again, this is all a little scary but also very exciting :)

* * *

Down the road a piece I saw a sign for a covered bridge, so I took the turn.  Next to the bridge was a winery...


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