Sunday, May 19, 2013


Have had a great day!  Went to church at Florence Four Square this morning, and the pastor talked about the Blood of Jesus.  There were 7 times the Bible talks about Jesus bleeding... and each was for a reason for us.  I learned a lot.

Then they had a picnic lunch table set up with bags of of fruit, veggies, cookies and were serving hot dogs, so everyone could take a plate out to the Hwy and watch the parade!

I crossed the street because the parade comes down the west side of the street, and they still let traffic through on the right side.  And mostly, the float riders wave to everyone on the west side :)

It was quite fun, and I waved, got some necklaces and caught a root beer lolly pop!

Here are a few pics:

The Queen and Princesses, and the Jr. Princesses are in the sailboat:

There were at least 5 or 6 school marching bands in this parade.  That was a true delight since it seems one of the first things a school drops in a financial squish is the music program.  It was really great to see so many young people with instruments :)

And the best, was last... the One More Time Around Again Marching Band of Portland !!  Made up of past drill team members, baton-twirlers, and band members of past years!  They were great, and it's so wonderful to see these people able to get together and do what they love to do!  You can find them on Facebook too if you are interested in their schedule of appearances.


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