Friday, March 29, 2013

Another Great Adventure...

I had Chinese last night at a local restaurant, and my fortune in the cookie said, "Now is a lucky time for you to take a chance."  wow.

Life itself is a Great Adventure.  I have been on many Great Adventures in my life so far... growing up, getting an apartment on my own, taking a trek across the country by myself in my Mustang II when I was 24, going to Europe to work with a Christian organization, getting married, having two sons, taking them on their first Great Adventure from Washington state to California and Utah when they were 2 1/2 and 6 months old, taking them on another through California when they were 3 and 5, homeschooling, starting a small business, getting divorced, going back to school, getting my sons through their teenage years and both graduated, and now...  Another Great Adventure for myself.