Thursday, February 8, 2018

My Old Class Page...

Last night I was sharing my latest adventure product with an old friend on FB, who actually is the person who first introduced me to computers!

He was asking me about hosting sites on a new website idea he has. I told him I didn't know much about those because I was Old School and write HTML5. This got me thinking about the class page I had developed for all my lessons and videos in about 2011 or so.

It took me quite a bit of ferreting to find it, but I did! You can catch it here. A lot of time went into these pages full of information and videos....

It looks like I only put non-working links to the support pages to my Christmas Play. It would sure be nice to find out where I put that and find it again as well.

In the early half of the 2000's, I had written homeschool unit study educational web pages for the Iditarod, the Oregon Trail, and an Advent Calendar.... those seem to be missing off the internet so I have sent an email to the company that looks like they took over the company whose server I had them on.  Hopefully they will  be able to forward the code for them to me to put up on another page.

Otherwise, I am thinking the code may still be on one of my old computers in a file somewhere. That would be cool.

And gosh, way, way back when, I had holiday pages up on the net from time in Atwater when I first discovered the internet. I have tried to find those and previously have not been able to.

It would be wow to find all of those and have them in one place.


Always wear your Happy Hat!! It makes your day SO much better!

Always remember your Happy Hat !

Ha! I also had a related blogspot that we had to do for one of the classes... 

Hope you have a great day!

Great Accomplishments...

and my future awaits.

I haven't talked about it much on this blog, but I have been working on a career project for the past 4 months. The long and short of it is: "A guy walks into a toy shoppe..." and, "What have you got to lose but that you have camera equipment to sell on Craigslist?"

And here we are! My very first "tour" on Google Maps.

Once I actually get a paid job up on the net, I can call myself a "Google Business View Photographer" officially! And only 50 spins will get me a "Trusted" Photographer standing with Google.

I am on my way! :)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

LIttle Girl Lost...

I have been on "spin cycle" along with my son, not knowing about his job opportunity and when he was going to hear something. Then when he got the job, how long it would be until his Business Visa came through. Then not knowing when he was taking off for Sweden permanently.

I asked for extra days off three times after he arrived back just before Thanksgiving when his 3 month Visitor's Visa in Sweden ran out. We had nice visits, and even though we sometimes get terse with each other, there is still a lot more love.

Yesterday morning I took him to the Portland International Airport and sent him off through security.

This morning, he messaged to say he had arrived safely <3

He has now officially begun the "grown up" part of his life.... college graduate, married, new job, new country.

With my older son already over there for 4 years now, I kinda feel like my job as a mom is complete.

* * *

So now I am Little Girl Lost.

Alone. All by myself on this side of the pond.

I have been mentally preparing myself for this time, but still, it's difficult.

I praise God that He has given me a new adventure in which to put my time and energy. A prospect of making some decent money if I put myself into it, and the opportunity to travel as well!

Looking forward to the future, but still a little anxious that I have no one pinned down to be an emergency contact here to get a hold of the boys in case something happens.

Ah well.


UPDATE 2/10/2018

Son on west side of country went for visit with son in the east side.  They video messaged me to say "Hej!" <3 I guess I am still loved and not forgotten. It was early morning and I was still snoozing before I needed to get ready for work...


Fun Last Weekend...

My son's Business Visa was finally approved and he made flight reservations for  5 days later.

I was able to take an extra day off and we spent a time getting him up to Portland for a day and a half, some good sleep and some good eats and some good hugs before he left for Sweden for the next 5 years or so.